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Frequently Asked Questions

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Q1: What is an HMP? 

​​An HMP is a written document that identifies natural hazards that have or can occur in an area, and provides information on how to prepare for and respond to those hazards. An HMP also identifies projects and strategies that can reduce impacts to residents, their property, and the environment.


Q2: Why is Coryell County developing an HMP? 

Coryell County is 1 of 27 counties in Texas that does not currently have an HMP. An HMP will help Coryell County protect its residents from natural hazards and will allow the County and its jurisdictions to apply for funding to complete projects detailed in the HMP and other projects that require an HMP.


Q3: What is Coryell County’s main goal throughout the HMP process?

Our main goal is to help Coryell County prepare for emergencies and protect its residents and their property from natural hazard impacts.


Q4: Why is public engagement and input vital to the HMP process? 

An HMP is a community-driven document. It is important to engage with the public and obtain their input regarding the types of natural hazards and physical impacts that have been experienced in Coryell County. Public input is sought through several public meetings and a public survey; the HMP Executive Committee will review all input and incorporate it into the HMP, as appropriate. Understanding and incorporating the concerns and experiences of Coryell County residents will ensure the HMP is customized to Coryell County. 


Q5: What happens once an HMP is developed?

Coryell County will finalize the HMP with input from the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Once finalized, TDEM will submit the HMP to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for final approval. FEMA will review the HMP according to their policy and will either approve the HMP or return it to Coryell County for revisions. When approved, the HMP will be publicly available and ready for implementation. The HMP will be utilized as a tool to prepare for emergencies. In addition, funding for the projects detailed in the HMP can be pursued and funding for other projects that require an HMP can be sought out. The HMP will be reviewed annually and updated every five years.


Q6: What are some examples of HMP projects or mitigation actions?

The HMP Executive Committee and Advisory Planning Team will finalize a list of mitigation actions. Common HMP mitigation actions may include: [1] develop a reliable emergency communications system for county officials/departments and emergency notifications system to provide information to the public during a natural hazard; [2] adopt and enforce drought tolerant practices and regulations; [3] adopt and implement routine fire hydrant maintenance to ensure functionality during wildfire events; [4] distribute pamphlets with information on pre-disaster mitigation ideas, tips, and local risk for all natural hazards; [5] develop a drought contingency plan and regulations for water conservation during periods of drought; and [6] replace a low water crossing with a bridge to reduce the risk of injury or loss of life on flood-prone roadways.


Q7: Will the HMP address man-made hazards?

As per FEMA policy, the HMP is specifically designed to address natural hazards. While man-made hazards are optional and may be addressed in an HMP, input from the public meetings and survey has not yet indicated a need to address man-made hazards in Coryell County.


Q8: Will the HMP address a natural hazard that occurs because of, or is exacerbated by, a man-made activity (e.g., new development causing flooding)?

Our risk assessment and hazard identification will include natural hazards which could be caused by man-made activities (e.g., flooding, dam failure, etc.). The mitigation actions identified in the HMP will address the impacts of the natural hazards regardless of the causation.


Q9: Is Fort Hood involved in the HMP process?

Fort Hood and natural hazards that occur within its boundary are not addressed in the Coryell County HMP. Fort Hood represents a significant portion of Coryell County and experiences similar natural hazards as the rest of Coryell County. It is important to coordinate closely with Fort Hood since natural hazards do not “recognize” boundary lines. Working partnerships and information sharing are vital components of successful hazard mitigation; Coryell County will invite Fort Hood to participate in the HMP Stakeholder group to achieve this.


Q10: What happens if a city is split by county lines? Will the entire city's jurisdiction be a part of the HMP Planning Area or only the portion located in the County developing the HMP? 

If a town or city is divided by county lines, the entire town or city's jurisdiction, regardless of the county, will be considered in the Coryell County HMP Planning Area. 


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